Document structure variable - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

The $structuredTopics variable contains a JSON object with a representation of the document's structure.

It contains the following keys:

  • title: the title of a topic.
  • depth: the table of content depth of a topic.

    1 is a root-level topic.

  • htmlContent: the HTML content of a topic.

  • breadcrumb: the parent topics of a topic.
  • officialReaderUrl: the URL of the topic on the portal.
  • topicSourceType: can be OFFICIAL, or PERSONAL for a topic written in a personal book.
  • confidential: can be true or false. Is true when a topic belongs to a document for which the Add to personal book feature is disabled.
  • originContentId: The Content ID of the topic.
  • originTocId: When printing personal books only, the ToC ID value of the topic.
  • originMapId: When printing personal books only, the Document ID value of the parent document of the topic.

For example:

        "title": "Knowledge Hub web services for administrators", 
        "depth": 1, 
        "htmlContent": "<p>This section describes web services with routes beginning as follows:</p>", 
        "breadcrumb": [], 
        "officialReaderUrl": "", 
        "topicSourceType": "OFFICIAL",
        "confidential": false,
        "originContentId": "OcFYGd01lcsA7VA3Fa4MMg",
        "originTocId": "",
        "originMapId": ""
        "title": "Maps", 
        "depth": 2, 
        "htmlContent": "<p>This section explains how to use Fluid Topics web services to manage a portal's maps (structured documents).</p>", 
        "breadcrumb": [
                "title": "Knowledge Hub web services for administrators", 
                "officialReaderUrl": "", 
                "topicSourceType": "OFFICIAL"
        "officialReaderUrl": "", 
        "topicSourceType": "OFFICIAL",
        "confidential": false,
        "originContentId": "OcFYGd01lcsA7VA3Fa4MMg",
        "originTocId": "",
        "originMapId": ""
        "title": "Delete a map attachment", 
        "depth": 3, 
        "htmlContent": "<p>This web service deletes an attachment from publications based on a metadata selection.</p>", 
        "breadcrumb": [
                "title": "Knowledge Hub web services for administrators", 
                "officialReaderUrl": "", 
                "topicSourceType": "OFFICIAL"
                "title": "Maps", 
                "officialReaderUrl": "", 
                "topicSourceType": "OFFICIAL"
        "officialReaderUrl": "", 
        "topicSourceType": "OFFICIAL",
        "confidential": false,
        "originContentId": "OcFYGd01lcsA7VA3Fa4MMg",
        "originTocId": "",
        "originMapId": ""

The value of each htmlContent key has been shortened to enhance readability.

Use case:

The $structuredTopics variable allows for greater control on the layout of PDFs.

The following Velocity code sample uses the $structuredTopics variable to:

  1. Create titles for each topic found in the $structuredTopics variable, taking into account the depth of the topic;
  2. Create a breadcrumb below the title of topics, if the topic is not a top-level topic;
  3. Insert the content of the topic.

In this situation, the $structuredTopics variable replaces the $topics variable, adding a breadcrumb after the title of topics.

#foreach ($structuredTopic in $structuredTopics)

    <!-- Titles -->
    #set ($depthClass = "pdf-header-lvl" + $structuredTopic.depth())
    #if ($structuredTopic.depth() >= 1 && $structuredTopic.depth() <= 6)
        <h$structuredTopic.depth() class="$depthClass">$structuredTopic.title()</h$structuredTopic.depth()>
        <h6 class="$depthClass">$structuredTopic.title()</h6>

    <!-- Breadcrumb -->
    #if ($structuredTopic.breadcrumb().size() > 0)
        <div class="breadcrumb">
            #foreach ($item in $structuredTopic.breadcrumb())
                <span>$item.title() /</span> 

    <!-- Topic content -->


It has a breadcrumb CSS class containing the following styles:

.breadcrumb {
    border-top: 1px solid #000;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #000;

The previous code creates the following layout:

A topic containing a navigation breadcrumb after its title. The breadcrumb begins by the word 'Navigation:' followed by the title of the parent topic of the topic, and the title of the topic in italics.