After preparing the file to be uploaded in the Vocabularies administration interface, the next step is to add a vocabulary.
It is necessary to have uploaded at least one document in the Knowledge Hub before configuring a vocabulary. If this condition is not met, a message appears when placing the pointer in the Language menu of the Add a vocabulary window indicating that no data is available.
Selecting the New vocabulary button in the Vocabularies administration interface displays the following window:
A field to define an ID for the vocabulary (mandatory).
A menu to change the languages that Fluid Topics automatically detects if necessary.
An area to browse files available locally (mandatory).
A toggle to make the search engine use the vocabulary when indexing content.
After configuring the fields, uploading a file, and selecting the save button, it is necessary to select the Reprocess button to apply the vocabulary to the portal's content.
Reprocessing can take a considerable amount of time if a lot of content has been published to the portal. Any content a user uploads while a reprocess job is underway is queued and processed after the reprocess job is complete.