Add a vocabulary - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

After preparing the file to be uploaded in the Vocabularies administration interface, the next step is to add a vocabulary.

It is necessary to have uploaded at least one document in the Knowledge Hub before configuring a vocabulary. If this condition is not met, a message appears when placing the pointer in the Language menu of the Add a vocabulary window indicating that no data is available.

Selecting the New vocabulary button in the Vocabularies administration interface displays the following window:

A screenshot of the 'Add a new vocabulary' interface. The form contains fields for 'ID' and 'Language,' with a dropdown for selecting the language. There is also an option to 'Select your vocabulary file' with a paperclip icon indicating file attachment. Below is a toggle switch, currently enabled, for 'Make the search engine use this vocabulary when indexing content.' At the bottom, there are 'Cancel' and 'Create' buttons, with the 'Create' button grayed out.


  1. A field to define an ID for the vocabulary (mandatory).

  2. A menu to change the languages that Fluid Topics automatically detects if necessary.

  3. An area to browse files available locally (mandatory).

  4. A toggle to make the search engine use the vocabulary when indexing content.

After configuring the fields, uploading a file, and selecting the save button, it is necessary to select the Reprocess button to apply the vocabulary to the portal's content.

Reprocessing can take a considerable amount of time if a lot of content has been published to the portal. Any content a user uploads while a reprocess job is underway is queued and processed after the reprocess job is complete.