Prepare a file to add synonyms - Fluid Topics - 4.3

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

In the context of adding synonyms, the steps to prepare a file are as follows:

  1. In row 1 column A, define the language of the content to which the vocabulary will apply by entering a value for the afs:lang metadata. The value must be composed of an ISO 639-1 language designator in lowercase and an ISO 3166-1 region designator in uppercase, separated by a hyphen.

  2. In row 2 column A, enter a term. In the same row, enter one synonym for the term in each column.

  3. Skip to the next row to add the next term, and add each synonym in a new column of the same row.

  4. Continue adding rows of terms and their synonyms as desired.

The following table shows an example of the file used to define two sets of synonyms to be applied to a corpus of documents in American English:

means of transportation means of travel means of locomotion
car automobile
four-wheel drive SUV
plane aircraft
  • A synonym must be unique across all vocabularies in use. Multiple identical synonym entries, such as word1 = word2 appearing in both Vocabulary A and Vocabulary B, may cause errors.
  • Fluid Topics ignores synonym entries that mirror each other (for example, word1 = word2 and word2 = word1). It is necessary to remove the mirrored entry in order to apply the vocabulary.

Since Fluid Topics applies stemming dictionaries by default, it is usually unnecessary to create synonyms for different inflected forms of generic terms (for example, organize, organizes, and organizing). However, the Fluid Topics support team can help create synonyms for inflected forms of industry terms if necessary.