Select and order homepage filters - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

In the Search tab of the Homepage administration interface, ADMIN and PORTAL_ADMIN users can choose filters to display on the portal's Homepage.

Selecting the Cogwheel icon next to the name of a filter opens a drawer to configure the filter's labels and behavior.

It is possible to reorder the filters by using the up and down arrows or dragging and dropping them.


An administrator wants four filters to appear on a portal's Homepage as follows:

The Fluid Topics portal homepage featuring a search bar with a dropdown for language selection, set to English. Four filter categories are present: Category with options like 'At a Glance' and 'Technical Notes'; Product with 'Fluid Topics' and 'Taruqa'; Platform including 'Debian' and 'Kubernetes'; and FT_Version listing versions from 3.1 to 3.6.

In the Select and order facets section, the administrator adds these metadata keys in the following order: Category, Product, Platform and FT_Version.