Get a user's personal information and assets - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics API Reference Guide

Reference Guides

This web service returns the following data for a given user:

  • The user's information (display name, creation date, roles, etc.).
  • The user's bookmarks.
  • The user's searches.
  • The user's personal books.
  • The user's personal topics.
  • The user's collections.
  • The user's search preferences.
  • For internal realm users only, the user's credentials (login and hashed password).

Only ADMIN users can call this web service.

Method Endpoint
GET /api/users/{userId}/dump
Path parameter Type Description
{userId} String The user's identifier.

Response body

The following lines show an example of a JSON response body:

    "user": {
        "id": "93fc96ca-6e95-4e60-8c58-1f475336049b",
        "displayName": "User",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "creationDate": "2022-08-06T14:19:14.199+0000",
        "lastLoginDate": "2022-08-06T14:19:58.247+0000",
        "manualGroups": [],
        "authenticationGroups": [
        "manualRoles": [
        "authenticationRoles": [
        "defaultRoles": [
        "authenticationIdentifiers": [
                "identifier": "",
                "realm": "internal"
        "userLocale": {
            "uiLocale": "en-US",
            "searchContentLocale": "en-US"
        "preferences": {
            "prior": [
                    "key": "foo",
                    "value": "bar",
                    "origin": "REALM",
                    "date": "2022-05-04T11:39:01.120+00:00"
        "active": true,
    "bookmarks": [
            "id": "9c752ba7-69f2-4d12-be68-d3f58bf1306a",
            "title": "Fluid Topics Tenant Setup",
            "creationDate": "2021-08-06T14:20:17.691+0000",
            "colorCssClass": "color-3",
            "origin": {
                "mapId": "a7wNxXBLbM65nqkOxv14ug",
                "mapTitle": "Fluid Topics v2 - Installation and Integration Guide",
                "tocId": "YSMVQCP7eLR8sEVEifkydQ",
                "breadcrumb": [
                    "Fluid Topics Tenant Setup"
    "personalBooks": [
            "id": "0960605a-ea84-434d-8431-cd422ee940f8",
            "title": "My book ",
            "tagline": "comment",
            "creationDate": "2022-08-06T14:20:24.975+0000",
            "lastUpdateDate": "2022-08-06T14:20:54.120+0000",
            "topicsCount": 2
    "personalTopics": [
            "id": "a63fdc8c-5e1e-4ced-b5c2-45862ff747d9",
            "title": "My personal topic",
            "text": "<p>Hi, this is my personal topic</p>\n<p> </p>",
            "creationDate": "2022-08-06T14:20:53.988+0000",
            "lastUpdateDate": "2022-08-06T14:20:53.988+0000"
    "searches": [
            "id": "290306d6-0685-4be7-a322-5b411cb1bcc8",
            "title": "Release Notes",
            "description": "",
            "colorCssClass": "color-0",
            "request": {
                "query": "release notes",
                "scope": "ALL",
                "filters": [
                "sorts": [
                        "key": "ft:relevance",
                        "order": "DESC",
                        "type": "ALPHA"
                        "key": "ft:isPublication",
                        "order": "DESC",
                        "type": "ALPHA"
                        "key": "ft:title",
                        "order": "DESC",
                        "type": "NATURAL"
                "contentLocale": "en-US",
                "tracked": true
            "alert": false,
            "creationDate": "2022-11-09T15:10:35.458+00:00"
    "collections": [
            "ownerId": "93fc96ca-6e95-4e60-8c58-1f475336049b",
            "id": "77ddd519-0ba5-42e8-807f-e6f570d457fc",
            "title": "My Collection",
            "description": "A collection of my favorite documents",
            "color": "purple",
            "documentsUrl": "",
            "creationDate": "2022-01-08T09:09:32.723+00:00",
            "lastUpdate": "2022-02-15T09:15:54.173+00:00"
Field Type Description
user Object Information about the user.
    id String The user's identifier.
    displayName String The user's name as it appears in the portal.
    emailAddress String The user's email address.
    privacyPolicyAgreementDate String String when the user accepted the portal's legal terms.
    creationDate String The date and time when the user was created.
    lastActivityDate String The date and time of the user's last activity.
    manualGroups Array The groups that an administrator has assigned manually to the user.
    authenticationGroups Array The groups that the post-authentication script has provided.
    manualRoles Array The roles that an administrator has assigned manually to the user.
    authenticationRoles Array The roles that the post-authentication script has provided.
defaultRoles Array Default roles configured for the portal.
authenticationIdentifiers Array Information about how the user authenticates.
    identifier String The email address used to authenticate.
    realm String The realm used to authenticate.
userLocale Object The languages that the user has configured.
    uiLocale String The interface language that the user has configured.
    searchContentLocale String The content language that the user has configured.
preferences Object Information about the user's search preferences.
    prior Array A list of the user's search preferences by metadata.
        key String The metadata key.
        value String The metadata value.
        origin String The origin of the preference. The value is REALM if the preference comes from the post-authentication script and MANUAL if the user set it.
        date String Information about when the preference was created.
active Boolean If the user's account is locked, the value is false.
credentials Object The credentials of the user if they belong to the internal realm.
    login String The email address used to authenticate.
    password String The password used to authenticate, encrypted and salted. Fluid Topics does not retain passwords in plain text.
bookmarks Array The user's bookmarks.
    id String The bookmark's identifier.
    title String The bookmark's title.
    creationDate String The date and time when the bookmark was created.
    colorCssClass String The color of the bookmark's tag.
    origin Object Information about the topic where the bookmark was created.
        mapId String The map's identifier.
        mapTitle String The map's title.
         tocId String The topic's identifier based on its position in the table of contents.
         breadcrumb Array The path to the topic in the document's hierarchy.
personalBooks Array The user's personal books.
    id String The personal book's identifier.
    title String The personal book's title.
    tagline String A description of the personal book.
    creationDate String The date and time when the personal book was created.
    lastUpdateDate String The date and time when the personal book was last updated.
    topicsCount Number The number of topics in the personal book.
personalTopics Array The user's personal topics.
    id String The personal topic's identifier.
    title String The personal book's title.
    text String The content of the personal topic.
    creationDate String The date and time when the personal topic was created.
    lastUpdateDate String The date and time when the personal topic was last updated.
searches Array The user's saved searches.
    id String The saved search's identifier.
    title String The saved search's title.
    description String A description of the saved search.
    colorCssClass String The color of the saved search's tag.
    request Object The search criteria if the user saved the results as a search.
    query String The terms of the query.
    scope String The scope of the results. Possible values are ALL, TOPICS, MAPS, BOOKS, PUBLICATIONS, or ALL_TOPICS.
    filters Array An array of filters applied to the query.
        key String An element prefixed by afs:sort that defines additional criteria used to filter the results of the query.
        value String The list of metadata values associated with the metadata key.
    sorts Object An array of sort criteria applied to the query.
        key String An element prefixed by afs:sort that defines additional criteria used to sort the results of the query.
        order String The sort order. Possible values are ASC or DESC.
        type String The sort type. Possible values are ALPHA or NATURAL.
    periodFilter Object The date range applied to the query.
    periodType String Defines the type of period used to filter the results of the query. Possible values are LAST_WEEK, LAST_MONTH, LAST_YEAR, or CUSTOM.
    period Object The custom period if one was defined.
        from String The start date of the custom period.
        to String The end date of the custom period.
    contentLocale String The content language of the search query and its results.
    virtualField String Indicates where the terms of the query should appear. Possible values are EVERYWHERE, TITLE ONLY, or NONE.
    alert Boolean If the user activated an alert for the search, the value is TRUE.
    creationDate String The date when the search was saved.
collections Object The user's collections.
    ownerId String The identifier of the user who owns the collection.
    id String The identifier of the collection.
    title String The title of the collection.
    description String A description of the collection.
    color String The color of the tag associated with the collection. Possible values are black, green, blue, purple, red, orange, or yellow.
    searchRequest Object The search criteria if the user saved the results as a collection.
        query String The list of metadata values associated with the metadata key. The terms of the query.
    filters Array An array of filters applied to the query.
        key String An element prefixed by afs:sort that defines additional criteria used to filter the results of the query.
        value String The list of metadata values associated with the metadata key.
    sorts Array An array of sort criteria applied to the query.
        key String An element prefixed by afs:sort that defines additional criteria used to sort the results of the query.
        order String The sort order. Possible values are ASC or DESC.
        type String The sort type. Possible values are ALPHA or NATURAL.
        periodFilter Object The date range applied to the query.
        periodType String Defines the type of period used to filter the results of the query. Possible values are LAST_WEEK, LAST_MONTH, LAST_YEAR, or CUSTOM.
        period Object The custom period if one was defined.
            from String The start date of the custom period.
            to String The end date of the custom period.
contentLocale String The content language of the search query and its results.
documentsUrl String A URL to retrieve the list of documents in the collection.
creationDate String The date and time when the collection was originally created.
lastUpdate String The date and time when the collection was last updated.
Return code Description
200 OK The request is valid and data is returned.
401 UNAUTHORIZED The authorization header was not provided or is invalid.
403 FORBIDDEN The user or API key does not have the ADMIN role.
404 NOT FOUND No user exists with this ID.

For a comprehensive list of all possible return codes, see Return codes.