Update a bookmark - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics API Reference Guide

Reference Guides

This web service updates a bookmark that was previously added to the user's library.

Method Endpoint
PUT /api/users/{userId}/bookmarks/{bookmarkId}
Path parameter Type Description
{userId} String The user's identifier.
{bookmarkId} String The bookmark's identifier as retrieved when listing bookmarks.
  • All query parameters are optional, but it is necessary to specify at least one.
  • Only parameters included in the query are updated. Parameters not included in the query remain unchanged.

Request example

The following lines show an example of a JSON request body:

    "title": "My new bookmark",
    "color": "blue",
    "mapId": "a7iqLaaKrcCSU8JbU7Z7bw",
    "tocId": "17m0szaAbT8XFu0WKs8aXQ"
Field Type Required? Description
title String Yes The bookmark's title.
color String Yes A color for the bookmark's tag. Accepted values are black, green, blue, purple, red, orange, and yellow.
mapId String Yes The identifier of the document to which the bookmarked topic belongs. It is possible to retrieve this information by using the List maps web service.
tocId String Yes The topic's identifier based on its position in the table of contents. It is possible to retrieve this information by using the Get a map's table of contents web service.
Return code Description
200 OK The bookmark was updated.
400 BAD REQUEST A required parameter is missing or an invalid color was provided for the bookmark's tag.
401 UNAUTHORIZED The authorization header is absent or invalid.
403 FORBIDDEN The user or API key does not have the ADMIN or USERS_ADMIN role, or is not requesting their own assets.
404 NOT FOUND No user exists with this identifier, the mapId does not correspond to an existing document, or the tocId is not found in the map.

For a comprehensive list of all possible return codes, see Return codes.

Response body

The following lines show an example of a JSON response body:

    "id": "u563cb2q-8d2f-4ppr-a8fc-388e154b4nvu",
    "title": "Bookmark number one",
    "color": "red",
    "creationDate": "2022-10-22T15:10:07.126+00:00",
    "lastUpdate": "2022-10-24T09:15:33.102+00:00",
    "mapId": "o5iqLaaKrcCSU8JbU7Z7bw",
    "tocId": "26m0szaAbT8XFuOWKs8aXQ",
    "readerUrl": "https://fluid-topics/r/User-Guide/Fluid-Topics-Header",
    "mapTitle": "User Guide",
    "breadcrumb": [
      "User Account",
      "User Interface"
Field Type Description
id String The bookmark's identifier.
title String The bookmark's title.
color String The color of the bookmark's tag.
creationDate String The date and time at which the bookmark was created.
lastUpdate String The date and time at which the bookmark was last updated.
mapId String The map's identifier.
tocId String The topic's identifier based on its position in the table of contents.
readerUrl String The pretty URL of the bookmarked topic. Selecting this URL opens the topic in the Reader page.
mapTitle String The title of the document to which the bookmarked topic belongs.
breadcrumb Array The breadcrumb indicating the path to the topic in the document's hierarchy.