Create a swift collection - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics API Reference Guide

Reference Guides

This web service creates a new swift collection and adds it to the user's library.

Method Endpoint
POST /api/users/{userId}/collections
Path parameter Type Description
{userId} String The user's identifier.

Request example

The following lines show an example of the JSON response body:

  "title": "My new swift collection",
  "description": "A swift collection of topics about xyz",
  "color": "green",
  "searchRequest": {
    "contentLocale": "en-US",
    "query": "xyz", 
    "filters": [
        "key": "ft:editorialType",
        "values": ["book"],
        "negative": false
    "sort": [
        "type": "NATURAL",
        "key": "afs:sort=versionFacet",
        "order": "DESC"
    "periodFilter": {
      "periodType": "CUSTOM",
      "period": {
        "from": "2022-07-08",
        "to": "2022-10-13"
Field Type Required? Description
title String Yes A name for the swift collection.
description String Yes A description of the swift collection.
color String Yes A color for the swift collection's tag. Accepted values are black, green, blue, purple, red, orange, and yellow.
alert Boolean No A boolean indicating whether to activate an alert for the search. Possible values are true or false.
searchRequest Object Yes The parameters of the search corresponding to the swift collection.
    contentLocale String Yes Defines the language of the search results.
    query String No The keywords of the query.
    filters Array No An array of filters applied to the query.
        key String Yes A metadata key for the filter.
        values Array Yes A list of metadata values for the filter's metadata key.
    sort Array No An optional element of the searchRequest parameter defining whether search results should be sorted based on certain criteria.
        key String No An element prefixed by afs:sort that defines additional criteria by which to sort search results.
        order String No An element that defines the sort order. Possible values are ASC and DESC.
        type String No The sorting method to be applied to search results. Possible values are ALPHA and NATURAL.
    periodFilter Object No An optional element of the searchRequest parameter that filters search results by period.
        periodType String Yes Defines the type of period by which to filter the search results. Possible values include LAST_WEEK, LAST_MONTH, LAST_YEAR and CUSTOM.
        period Object No Defines the start and end of the period by which to filter the search results.
            from String Yes The start date of the period by which to filter the search results.
            to String Yes The end date of the period by which to filter the search results.

Response body

The following lines show an example of a JSON response body:

  "ownerId": "d433cb2q-8d2f-4aaf-a8fc-917e154b4ceb",
  "id": "bf93cb2q-3070-4aaf-a134-917e154b4ceef",
  "title": "My new swift collection",
  "description": "A swift collection of topics about xyz",
  "color": "green",
  "searchRequest": {
    "contentLocale": "en-US",
    "query": "xyz", 
    "filters?": [
        "key": "ft:editorialType",
        "values": "book",
        "negative": false
    "sort": [
        "type": "NATURAL",
        "key": "afs:sort=versionFacet",
        "order": "DESC"
    "periodFilter": {
      "periodType": "CUSTOM",
      "period": {
        "from": "2022-07-08",
        "to": "2023-10-13"
  "documentsUrl": "https://fluid-topics/api/users/{userId}/collections/{collectionId}/documents",
  "creationDate": "2023-10-22T15:10:07.126+00:00",
  "lastUpdate": "2023-10-22T15:10:07.126+00:00",
Field Type Description
ownerId String The identifier of the user who owns the collection.
id String The identifier of the collection.
title String The name of the collection.
description String The description of the collection.
color String The color of the collection's tag.
searchRequest Object The parameters of the search corresponding to the swift collection.
    contentLocale String Defines the language of the search results.
    query String The keywords of the query.
    filters Array An array of filters applied to the query.
        key String A metadata key for the filter.
        values Array A list of metadata values for the filter's metadata key.
    sort Array An optional element of the searchRequest parameter defining whether search results should be sorted based on certain criteria.
        key String An element prefixed by afs:sort that defines additional criteria by which to sort search results.
        order String An element that defines the sort order. Possible values are ASC and DESC.
        type String The sorting method to be applied to search results. Possible values are ALPHA and NATURAL.
    periodFilter Object An optional element of the searchRequest parameter that filters search results by period.
        periodType String Defines the type of period by which to filter the search results. Possible values include LAST_WEEK, LAST_MONTH, LAST_YEAR and CUSTOM.
        period Object Defines the start and end of the period by which to filter the search results.
            from String The start date of the period by which to filter the search results.
            to String The end date of the period by which to filter the search results.
documentsUrl String A URL to retrieve the list of documents in the collection.
creationDate String The date and time when the collection was created.
lastUpdate String The date and time when the collection was last updated.