Get a map - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics API Reference Guide

Reference Guides

This web service returns information about a given map.

Method Endpoint
GET /api/khub/maps/{mapId}
Path parameter Type Description
{mapId} String Expects the id associated with the map. Can be obtained by listing maps.

Response body

The following lines show an example of a JSON response body:

    "title": "AFS Integration Guide",
    "lang": "en-US",
    "id": "fbbhN_AWAcYrc0DjH5L1hQ",
    "originId": "afs-integration-guide-7-8",
    "baseId": "afs-integration-guide",
    "clusterId": "afs-integration-guide",
    "lastEdition": "2023-01-30",
    "lastPublication": "2023-01-30T13:32:14.569295",
    "description": "How to integrate AFS",
    "editorialType": "BOOK",
    "khubVersion": "3.7.6",
    "openMode": "FLUIDTOPICS",
    "prettyUrl": "",
    "readerUrl": "",
    "rightsApiEndpoint": "/api/khub/maps/fbbhN_AWAcYrc0DjH5L1hQ/rights",
    "topicsApiEndpoint": "/api/khub/maps/fbbhN_AWAcYrc0DjH5L1hQ/topics",
    "attachmentsApiEndpoint": "/api/khub/maps/fbbhN_AWAcYrc0DjH5L1hQ/attachments",
    "metadata": [
            "key": "Category",
            "label": "Category",
            "values": [
                "Reference Guide"
            "key": "Product",
            "label": "Product",
            "values": [
            "key": "AFS_Version",
            "label": "AFS_Version",
            "values": [
    "contentStyles": {
        "customCssClasses": ["integration-topic", ...],
        "titleStylesheetUrl": "",
        "topicStylesheetUrl": ""
    "fingerprint": "6ae06203ed5829856d53e2333ca7b52e",
    "pbkConfidential": false,
    "watermark": {
        "text": [
            "This document is confidential !",
            "Fluid Topics Root User",
            "July 8, 2024, 5:19:11 PM CEST"
        "color": "#ff0000",
        "opacity": 50
Field Type Description
title String The map's title.
lang String The map's locale.
id String The map's unique identifier.
description String A description of the map if one has been defined.
editorialType String The map's editorial type.
originId String The map's identifier as determined by its origin.
baseId String The map's base identifier.
clusterId String The map's cluster identifier.
lastEdition String The date when the map was last modified.
lastPublication String The date when the map was last published .
khubVersion String The version of Fluid Topics last used to publish or reprocess the map.
openMode String The location where the map opens.
prettyUrl String The map's pretty URL if one has been defined.
readerUrl String The URL fragment to use as Fluid Topics reader entry point for the associated map. The pretty URL is used when available.
rightsApiEndpoint String The path where the map's access rights are available.
topicsApiEndpoint String The path where the map's topics are available.
attachmentsApiEndpoint String The path where the map's attachments are available, if any exist.
metadata Array An array containing the key, values, and label fields. If any of the metadata's values are organized in hierarchical order, the hierarchical values field is present instead of the values field.
contentStyles Object Information about how the content is styled.
     customCssClasses Array The names of CSS classes as defined for title styles in the Content styles administration interface.
     titleStylesheetUrl String A URL pointing to the custom title styles defined in the Content styles administration interface.
     topicStylesheetUrl String A URL pointing to the custom topic styles defined in the Content styles administration interface.
pbkConfidential Boolean Shows the possibility of adding a map's topics to a personal book. If set to true, it is possible to add topics to a personal book. If set to false, it is not possible
watermark Array An array containing the text, color, and opacity fields when a map is watermarked.
    text String The text displayed as a watermark.
    color String The color of the watermark. The format is html #rrggbb.
    opacity String The opacity of the watermark expressed in percentage. 0 means transparent
  • This web service returns all metadata, including built-in metadata.
  • An additional optional field, originURL, is only present when the openMode object has the value external.