Internal navigation - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics API Reference Guide

Reference Guides

This web service responds with information about how users navigate from one page to another within a portal during a period of time. Source and target pages are grouped by page types.

Method Endpoint
POST /analytics/api/v2/traffic/internal-navigation

Request example

The following lines show an example of a JSON request body:

Field Type Required? Description
startDate String Yes The inclusive start date of the period. Must be within the past year.
endDate String Yes The exclusive end date of the period. Must be within the past year.
filters Array No An array containing the ids, locale, and sessionType fields.
    pageId Array No Filter on page IDs. ft/home corresponds to the classic Homepage, ft/reader corresponds to the classic Reader page, etc. Designed pages have a random ID which can be found in the URL of the page in the Fluid Topics Designer. The ID is also accessible by using the Page views web service.
    language String No Filter on the UI Locale (for example, en-US or fr-FR)
    authenticated Boolean No The type of session when viewing the page. Can be true for authenticated sessions or false for unauthenticated sessions. If undefined, the web service returns page views for both authenticated and unauthenticated users.

Response body

The following lines show an example of the JSON response body:

Response value Type Description
startDate String The inclusive start date of the period as defined in the request.
endDate String The exclusive end date of the period as defined in the request.
results Array An array containing the source, target, and count fields.
    source String The page from which the user navigated.
    target String The page to which the user navigated.
    count Number The number of times a user navigated from the source page to the target page within the selected period.
Return code Description
200 OK The request is valid and returns data.
401 UNAUTHORIZED The authorization header was not provided or is invalid.
403 FORBIDDEN The user or API key does not have the ADMIN or ANALYTICS_USER role.