Get a dataflow report - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics API Reference Guide

Reference Guides

This web service retrieves a specific report generated by Fluid Topics for a publish, reprocess, deletion, or attachment update processing job.

This web service is available to users or API keys with the ADMIN, KHUB_ADMIN or CONTENT_PUBLISHER roles.

Method Endpoint
GET /api/admin/khub/dataflow/reports/{reportId}
Path parameter Type Description
{reportId} String The identifier of the dataflow report as obtained when listing dataflow reports.

Response body

    "id": "0ca262904cb74244aaf6a95b86f3bb3e",
    "date": "2023-02-04T14:05:44.143+0000",
    "mode": "INCREMENTAL",
    "maps": [
            "id": "RWQIOUifmm25E3y7E5JrVg",
            "status": "UPDATED",
            "mapApiEndpoint": "/api/khub/maps/RWQIOUifmm25E3y7E5JrVg",
            "topics": [
                    "id": "loyLFep1qJkRYtCaVxojUA",
                    "status": "CREATED",
                    "topicApiEndpoint": "/api/khub/maps/RWQIOUifmm25E3y7E5JrVg/topics/loyLFep1qJkRYtCaVxojUA"
                    "id": "y0yx0fUwHZAUSdYujCELjA",
                    "status": "DELETED"
            "editorialType": "BOOK"
    "documents": [
            "id": "CksZkQsW7dbgLEIPJrV4Qg",
            "status": "UPDATED",
            "documentApiEndpoint": "/api/khub/documents/CksZkQsW7dbgLEIPJrV4Qg"
Field Type Description
mapApiEndpoint String The path where details about a map can be found.
topicApiEndpoint String The path where details about a topic can be found (available only if status is not DELETED).
documentApiEndpoint String The path where details about a document can be found (available only if status is not DELETED).
editorialType String The type, BOOK or ARTICLE, of the map.
  • Authentication via the header is required in all calls to Fluid Topics Dataflow web services.
  • The first processing job launched after reprocessing may take more time than all other processing jobs.