Delete a map attachment by originId - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics API Reference Guide

Reference Guides

This web service removes a map attachment using its originId.

Users should use this web service when the attachment was uploaded using a control file, and an originId was set.

In other situations, use the Delete a map attachment by khubId web service.

Method Endpoint
Query string parameter Type Required? Description
metadata=value String Yes Any metadata key-value couple defining the publications to delete.

Request example

The following lines show an example of map attachment deletion using the id as the originId (when an id has been defined):

  "attachments": ["my_attachment"]

The following lines show an example of map attachment deletion using the filename as the originId (when the id has not been defined):

  "attachments": ["oleandor.jpg"]

Where attachments is the list of map attachments (id or filename) to be deleted.

Return code Description
202 ACCEPTED The update instruction was sent to the Fluid Topics processing pipeline.
400 BAD REQUEST Invalid query.