Create a source - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics API Reference Guide

Reference Guides

This web service creates or updates a Fluid Topics source.

Method Endpoint
PUT /api/admin/khub/sources/{sourceId}
Path parameter Type Description
{sourceId} String The identifier of the source to be created or updated. The ID only supports alphanumeric characters and underscores (_).

Request example

    "name": "My source",
    "type": "Dita",
    "category": "Marketing",
    "description": "A source for my team",
    "allContentPublishersAllowed": false,
    "allowedUsers": [
    "allowedApiKeys": [
Field Type Description
name String The name of the source. All character types are supported.
type String The type of the source. Expects one of the following values:
Dita, Authorit, AuthoritMagellan, Ftml, UnstructuredDocuments, MapAttachments, FrameMaker-basic-html, Madcap-flare, Paligo, Microsoft-word, External.
category String An optional field to define the category to which the source belongs.
description String An optional field to define a description for the source. All character types are supported.
allContentPublishersAllowed Boolean An optional parameter to define whether all, none, or only some users with the CONTENT_PUBLISHER role have permission to publish through the source. Possible values are true or false.
allowedUsers Array When the value of the allContentPublishersAllowed parameter is false, it is possible to use this optional field to list specific users with the CONTENT_PUBLISHER role who have permission to publish through the source.
allowedApiKeys Array When the value of the allContentPublishersAllowed parameter is false, it is possible to use this optional field to list specific API keys with the Array role that have permission to publish through the source.

When the allContentPublishersAllowed parameter is not included in the request body or its value is false but no users or API keys are listed in the allowedUsers field, the source is only available to KHUB_ADMIN and ADMIN users.

Response body

    "id": "source_42",
    "name": "My source",
    "type": "Dita",
    "category": "Marketing_Dita",
    "description": "A source for my team"

This web service is only available to administrators or API keys with the ADMIN or KHUB_ADMIN role.