Return codes - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics API Reference Guide

Reference Guides

Fluid Topics web services can return the following codes:

Return code Description
200 OK Available for all request types.
Returns 0 or more results.
201 CREATED Available for POST requests.
Returns 0 or more results.
202 ACCEPTED Available for asynchronous requests.
The instruction is sent to the target.
204 NO CONTENT Available for DELETE requests.
The resource is deleted.
400 BAD REQUEST Invalid JSON request body.
The action requested is impossible, e.g, deleting a default source.
401 UNAUTHORIZED The user is not authenticated when authentication is required.
403 FORBIDDEN The user does not have the specific rights required by the web service.
404 NOT FOUND The resource was not found. Either the web service does not exist or the requested resource, such as an ID, does not exist.
415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE The payload format is in an unsupported format.
429 TOO MANY REQUESTS The Fluid Topics Web Application Firewall (WAF) has received more than five thousand requests in five minutes from a single IP address.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR The server could not process the request.
500 BAD GATEWAY ERROR The server has received an invalid response.
503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE The service is unavailable.