Get a user's roles - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics API Reference Guide

Reference Guides

This web service returns a user's roles. It distinguishes between roles originating from a post-authentication script, those that an administrator has set manually and the default roles configured for the portal.

Method Endpoint
Path parameter Type Description
{userId} String The user's identifier.

Response body

The following lines show an example of a JSON response body:

  "id": "a43eb18a-3f48-4732-9389-61b540ce9d0d",
  "manualRoles": [],
  "authenticationRoles": [
  "defaultRoles": [
Field Type Description
id String The user's identifier.
manualRoles Array The groups an administrator manually assigned to the user.
authenticationRoles Array The user groups provided by the post authentication script.
defaultRoles Array The default roles configured for the portal.
Return code Description
200 OK The request is valid and returns data.
401 UNAUTHORIZED The authorization header is absent or invalid.
403 FORBIDDEN The user or API key does not have the ADMIN or USERS_ADMIN role.
404 NOT FOUND No user exists with this ID.

For a comprehensive list of all possible return codes, see Return codes.