Get a document's metadata - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics API Reference Guide

Reference Guides

This web service returns the description and metadata of an unstructured document.

Method Endpoint
GET /api/khub/documents/{docId}
Path parameter Type Description
{docId} String The document's identifier

The DOC_ID of an unstructured document can be retrieved using the List documents web service.

Response body

    "id": "zDK13oDmZHDXCEPOc4xiyw",
    "filename": "FluidTopics-Zoom-KHub-Internals-2015c.pdf",
    "title": "FluidTopics-Zoom-KHub-Internals-2015c",
    "mimeType": "application/pdf",
    "lastEdition": "2023-01-30",
    "lastPublication": "2023-01-30T13:32:14.569295",
    "baseId": "ft-zoom-khub-internals",
    "originId": "documents/FluidTopics-Zoom-KHub-Internals-2015c.pdf",
    "clusterId": "ft-zoom-khub-internals",
    "description": "Zoom on FT KHub",
    "khubVersion": "3.7.6",
    "openMode": "FLUIDTOPICS",
    "prettyUrl": "/v/u/ft-internal-khub",
    "rightsApiEndpoint": "/api/khub/documents/zDK13oDmZHDXCEPOc4xiyw/rights",
    "contentApiEndpoint": "/api/khub/documents/zDK13oDmZHDXCEPOc4xiyw/content",
    "viewerUrl": "#//v/u/ft-internal-khub",
    "metadata": [
            "key": "author",
            "label": "author",
            "values": [
                "Fabrice LACROIX"
Field Type Description
id String The unique identifier of the document.
filename String The filename used for this document.
title String The title used when referencing the document in the Fluid Topics UI.
mimeType String The MIME type of the document.
lastEdition String The date of the most recent modification of the document.
lastPublication String The date of the most recent publication of the document.
baseId String The baseId of the document.
originId String The originId of the document.
clusterId String The clusterId of the document.
description String The description of the document.
khubVersion String The version of Fluid Topics last used to publish or reprocess the map.
openMode String The location of where the document is opened (in Fluid Topics or externally).
prettyUrl String The pretty URL of the map (if one has been defined).
rightsApiEndpoint String The path to follow to get the access rights of a document.
contentApiEndpoint String The path to follow to retrieve the document content.
viewerUrl String The URL fragment to use to open the document in a Fluid Topics UI. The pretty URL is used when available.
metadata Array An array containing the key, values, and label fields. If any of the metadata's values are organized in hierarchical order, the hierarchical values field is present.

The description, khubVersion, and prettyUrl fields are optional. An additional optional field, originURL, is only present when the openMode object has the value external.