Manage sources - Fluid Topics - 3.11

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

Depending on its original format (e.g., FTML, DITA, Word, MadCap Flare, etc.), your content follows a distinct pathway while being processed in the Knowledge Hub . This pathway has several names, including source, connector, and processing pipeline.

As the following image illustrates, sources plug your content into the Fluid Topics application.


Selecting the Manage sources tab in the Knowledge Hub section of the Administration menu opens an interface where ADMIN and KHUB_ADMIN users can perform the following actions:

- Every new tenant comes with several default sources installed.

- For an overview of available sources, see Connectors at a glance.

Sources ingest all content in its native format, eliminating the need for transformation scripts.

Processing the same data through different sources creates duplicates of that data.