Use metadata prefixes - Fluid Topics - 3.11

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

For topic templates, it is possible to reference the document's metadata with the document. prefix. For example, it is possible to integrate the document's pretty URL (if one exists) at the beginning of the topic's pretty URL by starting the topic template as follows:


It is also possible to concatenate the metadata of all parent topics and the current topic by using {parents-and-self.$metadata}.

As a result, a document's pretty URL will contain a breadcrumb with all levels of a document's hierarchy. This is useful if two or more topics within the same book share the same pretty URL, in which case Fluid Topics adds a tocId to the Pretty URLs of these topics as in the following example:

As for topics, using {parents-and-self.metadata}, the new pretty URL contains the topic's breadcrumb instead of a tocId as follows: