Offline - Fluid Topics - 3.7

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Users who are granted the right to do so can:

  1. Select which collections (sets of documents) should be available offline and synchronize them,
  2. Collections

  3. Access these collections when there is no internet connection,
  4. Offline Homepage

  5. Install the Fluid Topics offline extension as a Progressive Web App on a variety of devices,
  6. Switch from offline to online mode directly in Fluid Topics,
  7. Access and read structured and unstructured content offline.

Offline mode is available to SaaS customers who have subscribed to this specific add-on.

Administrators will manage:

  1. The toggle that enables or disables offline usage,
  2. The permissions for the OFFLINE_USER role,
  3. The configuration of the Progressive Web App manifest that defines the behavior of the locally installed app.