FT v3.7.16 - Fluid Topics - 3.7

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on March 9th, 2020.


  1. Adds a new event when a user previews a topic (cross map link) in the Reader page.

  2. Improves messages in the interface.

  3. Reduces disk space used by KHUB processing.

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
Knowledge Hub FT-5106

Fixes an issue where links to no-heading topics would be broken in a Resolved Author-It export.

Turnkey Portal FT-5118

Fixes an issue where FT server logs would be unclear when FT server fails to query AFS web services.

Reader page & Viewer page FT-5121

Fixes an issue where some images would not be displayed in FTML content.

Turnkey Portal FT-5125

Fixes an issue where authenticated users would not be logged out after the configured authentication timeout.

Portal FT-5126

Fixes an issue where the Administration and Analytics buttons would be present when switching to offline.

Portal Configuration FT-5128

Fixes an issue where the backend PDF template would be overwritten when saving a new frontend PDF template in the Portal > Templates admin page.