FT v3.7.23 - Fluid Topics - 3.7

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on April 14th, 2020.


  1. Adds UI language configuration to the Portal > Languages page.

  2. Improves messages in the interface.

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
Knowledge Hub FT-5176

Fixes an issue where an inaccurate error message would appear when accessing a map attachment without the correct rights.

Portal FT-5188

Fixes an issue where the file generated when exporting the homepage configuration would contain deprecated information.

Portal Configuration FT-5198

Fixes an issue where accessing a server dashboard would fail if a generic conf.json file exists in /usr/local/afs7/Fluid-Topics/conf/-/

Dropped Support

Removes support for map attachments older than v3.4.41. Map attachments were automatically migrated when accessed or reprocessed.