FT v3.7.8 - Fluid Topics - 3.7

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on February 17th, 2020.


  1. Displays Bookmarks in offline mode.

    Documentation links: https 

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
Knowledge Hub FT-5052

Fixes an issue where large attachments would cause a crash during indexation.

Reader page & Viewer page FT-5053

Fixes an issue where the print topic to PDF feature would not work on Safari and iOS.

Search & Results Page FT-5054

Fixes an issue where the label used for shareable links would not be consistent with other labels.

Portal FT-5055

Fixes an issue where custom font files with spaces in their filename would not be applied when saving.

Knowledge Hub FT-5056

Fixes an issue where an empty HTML file would be considered as an invalid body when processing an FTML topic.