FT v3.7.4 - Fluid Topics - 3.7

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on January 20th, 2020.


  1. Adds new Analytics screens: Traffic by country, Traffic by browser, and Search terms.

  2. Adds a new public web service to publish with the public python API.

  3. Renews session cookie after successful login to block session-fixation attack vector.

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
Portal FT-4982

Fixes an issue where a PDF export of a large PBK would consume too much memory and not be stoppable until it triggers random OOM process kills on the PDF Server system.

Portal FT-4997

Fixes an issue where descending letters in header menus would not be correctly displayed in Safari.

Portal FT-5000

Fixes an issue where the login page would still be visible after a successful login.

Reader page & Viewer page FT-5004

Fixes an issue where the Viewer Page would sometimes fail to display or download PDF files.

Knowledge Hub FT-5006

Fixes an issue where publishing resources through an external connector would fail.