FT v3.7.38 - Fluid Topics - 3.7

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on June 22nd, 2020.


  1. Migrates Search terms to the new Events model and adds a Locale filter.

    Documentation links: https 

  2. Adds ft:outputSize semantic metadata to documents and topics. Adds content size information for resources and map attachments.

  3. Improves labels in the interface.

  4. Migrates the Fluid Topics Web server from Play to Spring framework.

  5. Makes overridesUserFromRealm authentication configuration option accept a list of realms.

    Documentation links: Migrate Multiple User Authentication Realms Simultaneously  realms 

  6. Hides Fluid Topics Administration interfaces on devices with low screen resolutions.

  7. Uniformizes notification messages in different Administration interfaces.

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
Portal FT-5361

Fixes an issue where translations would sometimes be missing from the Metadata Journal.

Knowledge Hub FT-5371

Fixes an issue where Fluid Topics PaFs would not automatically generate pretty URLs when uploading content through a connector.

Portal Configuration FT-5372

Fixes an issue where some text boxes in certain Administration interfaces would not be properly styled.

Portal Configuration FT-5374

Fixes an issue where invalid metadata would not be detected when configuring a pretty URL template.

Portal FT-5381

Fixes an issue where it would be possible to save an Enrich & Clean rule with an empty metadata name.

Upgrade Information

It is necessary to reprocess content for the ft:outputSize metadata to be available.