Define Pretty URLs - Fluid Topics - Latest

Empower Metadata with Fluid Topics

Technical Notes

Pretty URLs are a type of built-in metadata. They provide a meaningful and non-ambiguous URL for both structured and unstructured content. When one user shares a pretty URL with another user, pretty URLs gives the second user an at-a-glance preview of what the content is about.

The following line shows an example of a pretty URL for a structured document:

The following line shows an example of a pretty URL for an unstructured document:

Users with the ADMIN or KHUB_ADMIN role can define Pretty URLs in the following ways:

  • Configure a rule engine to generate Pretty URLs automatically.
  • Define a Pretty URL in the source content.

Creating meaningful and non-ambiguous URLs depends on the source content and its metadata, and is as such the responsibility of the content owner.

To separate sections, valid characters include dashes (-), underscores (_) or slashes (/).