Share a personal book - Fluid Topics - 4.0

Fluid Topics User Guide

Reference Guides

Users with the PERSONAL_BOOK_SHARE_USER role can enable the Share toggle in the Personal book shortcut menu. This copies the URL of the Personal book to the user's clipboard.

Any other users who access the URL can potentially download a PDF or HTML version of the shared Personal Book.

Administrators can access the URL of a shared personal book in the Document views tab of the Analytics page. To prevent a Personal Book from being accessible in this way, it is necessary to leave the Share toggle disabled.

When sharing is enabled for a Personal book, a "Shared" tag appears in the Personal Books interface. It is possible to modify a shared Personal book at any time.


A shared personal book may contain content that is protected by access rights. In this case, users who do not have the necessary rights are unable to view the protected content even if the user sharing the content has the rights.