Share a URL - Fluid Topics - 4.0

Fluid Topics User Guide

Reference Guides

The Share URL button is only available to users with the SHARE_URL role and then only if an administrator has made the feature available for the portal.

When users browse content, they can copy the content's URL to their clipboard by selecting the Share URL button.

In the Reader page, users can access this button in two locations:

  • Selecting the Document shortcut menu to expand the Title bar displays a Share URL button to share a document's URL.
  • Selecting the Topic shortcut menu displays a Share URL button to share a topic's URL. Depending on the portal's configuration, the Share URL button may also be available as a Quick action button.

In the Viewer page, the Share URL button is available in the expanded Title bar.

When a user shares a URL, Fluid Topics uses the content's pretty URL whenever available.