Wildcard search - Fluid Topics - 4.0

Fluid Topics User Guide

Reference Guides

A wildcard is a character that may be used in a search term to represent one or more other characters. The wildcard character used in Fluid Topics is the asterisk ("*").

When using wildcard search, results are optimal in the following situations:

  • The keyword is relatively short when fully expanded.
  • For longer keywords, many characters precede the wildcard character.

- Fluid Topics only triggers wildcard search when an asterisk is present at the end (as the last character) of a keyword. Fluid Topics interprets an asterisk that is at the beginning or in the middle of a word as a whitespace character and does not trigger wildcard search in this case.

- Wildcard search does not return synonyms. For example, the query foo does not return soccer even if an administrator has defined football and soccer as synonyms.

- It is recommended to not use wildcard search with AFS Taruqa.


Searching for foo* returns results for fool, food, football, football stadium, etc.

Enable wildcard search

To enable wildcard search, contact a Fluid Topics representative via the Fluid Topics Help Desk.