bookmark.create - Fluid Topics - Latest

Integrate the Fluid Topics API

Technical Notes

This server event occurs when any user creates a bookmark.

This event contains the following fields:

Field Description
bookmark An object containing information about the bookmark.
     id The bookmark's identifier.
     name The bookmark's name.
     topic The bookmarked topic.
          tocId The bookmarked topic's identifier based on its position in the document's table of contents.
          title The bookmarked topic's title.
          mapId The bookmarked topic's map ID.
          mapTitle The bookmarked topic's map title.
document The document where the bookmark was created.
     id The ID of the document where the bookmark was created.
     title The title of the document where the bookmark was created.
     type The type of the document where the bookmark was created. Always STRUCTURED_DOCUMENT.

Since this event originates from the server and not the web application, it is not possible to listen to it.

A table for the most common fields is in Analytics events.


        "appName": "ft/turnkey-portal",
        "appVersion": "4.1.25",
        "contentLocale": "en-US",
        "datetime": 1683813645167,
        "id": "1622695b-50a6-4453-aa28-953f955cdbcf",
        "name": "bookmark.create",
        "offline": false,
        "parameters": {
            "bookmark": {
                "id": "8aec697f-5b76-44df-b27f-3b2fead22cdd",
                "name": "Examples of metadata keys and values",
                "topic": {
                    "tocId": "CBbO~~MYyOE~3SHGRXSCzw",
                    "title": "Examples of metadata keys and values"
            "document": {
                "id": "EIrDA_zzgkC3SgqNBybqGg",
                "title": "Empower Metadata with Fluid Topics",
                "type": "STRUCTURED_DOCUMENT"
        "sessionId": "e5cd7f19-d553-4816-bf89-951c53a40f32",
        "tenantId": "1-stable",
        "uiLocale": "en-US",
        "user": {
            "groups": [
                "Fluid Topics"
            "id": "d554325-eef7-4850-93c1-cea73446582060",
            "roles": [
        "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
        "userIp": ""