FT v3.8.22 - Fluid Topics - 3.8

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on November 9th, 2020.


  1. Changes the button to export results in the Analytics pages.

  2. Adds a way to download attachments directly in the Reader page.

  3. Adds support for custom interface translations in Brazilian Portuguese.

  4. Adds support for Mermaid Graph notation for Markdown files and the FTML connector.

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
Reader page & Viewer page FT-5728

Fixes an issue where some letters would be cut off in the Table of Contents and the title bar.

Search & Results Page FT-5778

Fixes an issue where invalid input in the content locale field would not be corrected when creating a search using public web services.

Portal Configuration FT-5788

Fixes an issue where some tags would not be properly displayed on administration pages.

Offline FT-5789

Fixes an issue where indexing offline content would sometimes fail.

Search & Results Page FT-5790

Fixes an issue where signing out while on the Search page would display a blank area.

Offline FT-5792

Fixes an issue where offline homepage filters would remain even though no offline content is available.

Offline FT-5793

Fixes an issue where offline content would not always be cleared when switching users in the same browser.

Offline FT-5795

Fixes an issue where search parameters would be cleared when navigating backward to the offline homepage.

Knowledge Hub FT-5796

Fixes an issue where the <no title> prefix would be added to the descriptions of some unstructured documents.

Offline FT-5804

Fixes an issue where filter values would not be sorted on the offline homepage.

Offline FT-5808

Fixes an issue where an error notification would appear when switching to offline without syncing a Collection first.