FT v3.8.21 - Fluid Topics - 3.8

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on November 2nd, 2020.


  1. Adds the possibility to search synchronized content using facets and keywords when offline.

    Enables Search in document functionality offline.

    Documentation links: Navigate Fluid Topics in Offline Mode 

  2. Adds the lastmod property to the default sitemap.xml file.

  3. Enables offline search for unstructured documents.

    Documentation links: Navigate Fluid Topics in Offline Mode 

  4. Renames the XSD schema used to validate the FluidTopicsControlFile.xml as FluidTopicsControlFile.xsd in [https://ref.fluidtopics.com/3.8/].

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
Analytics AMS-1097

Fixes an issue where warning messages about date adjustments were too close to heatmaps.

My Library FT-5729

Fixes an issue where a "Sync needed" message would not be displayed correctly in the My Library interface.

Reader page & Viewer page FT-5733

Fixes an issue where title pane text and metadata would not be correctly aligned to the left on mobile devices.

My Library FT-5751

Fixes an issue where static collections with erroneous document identifiers could be created using public web services.

My Library FT-5753

Fixes an issue where unstructured documents could not be added to static collections using public web services.

My Library FT-5758

Fixes an issue where misspelled optional fields would not raise an error when using public web services to manage assets in My Library.

Turnkey Portal FT-5764

Fixes an issue where it would not be possible to start or end a password with a space.

Knowledge Hub FT-5776

Fixes an issue where the first line of unstructured documents would sometimes not be indexed.

My Library FT-5777

Fixes an issue where a user with the ADMIN role would not be authorized to use public web services to manage assets in My Library.

Reader page & Viewer page FT-5781

Fixes an issue where manually entered pretty URLs could contain special characters.

Upgrade Information

It is necessary to reprocess unstructured documents and synchronize offline content for this improvement to take effect.


https://ref.fluidtopics.com/3.8/control_file.xsd is deprecated. Please use https://ref.fluidtopics.com/3.8/FluidTopicsControlFile.xsd instead.