The ft_stash_logs script is used to stash log files of ALL Fluid Topics related components into a .zip archive.
Command template:
ft_stash_logs [-o $OUTPUT_FILES] [--only-latest-files] [--components {$COMPONENT_FAMILY}] [-v] [-h]
Command example:
ft_stash_logs -o /tmp/ --components {afs-host,afs-reply,web-server}
Command arguments:
- -o: Expects the path of the output file. Can also be written --output-file.
- --only-latest-files: Forces the command to only take into account the latest files (ignores rotated files).
- --components: Expects the components families for which the logs must be retrieved, among the following items:
- afs-host,
- afs-reply,
- web-server,
- apache,
- data-processing,
- bo,
- system,
- database
Multiple components must be declared as follows: {component1,component2, component3,etc.}
- -h: Displays the help and lists all available optional arguments for the command. Can also be written --help.
- -v: Activates verbose mode. Can also be written --verbose.
The script is available in the antidot-fluidtopics-reply package.