The ft_install_all_pafs script is used to install all PaFs for all the tenants declared on the server.
This script should be used on the server hosting the indexing environment.
Command template:
ft_install_all_pafs [-cie $COMPANY_NAME] [-H $BACK_OFFICE_HOSTNAME] [-https] [--port $WEBSERVER_PORT] [--ws-login WS_LOGIN] [--ws-password [WS_PASSWORD]] [--api-key API_KEY] [-v] [-h]
Command example:
Command arguments:
- -H: Expects the hostname of the Back Office server ("localhost" by default if the command is run on the server hosting the Back Office environment). Can also be written --host.
- --ws-login: Expects the login of the user authorized to launch the web service (by default, "antidot").
- --ws-password: Expects the password of the user authorized to launch the web service (by default, it is the default password of the "antidot" Back Office user).
- -cie: Expects the name of the company (by default, the host company). Can also be written --company.
- -https: Enables the use of HTTPS protocol. Can also be written --secure.
- --port: Expects the port number used to access the Back Office server.
- --api-key: Expects the API key of the Back Office user.
- -h: Displays the help and lists all available optional arguments for the command. Can also be written --help.
- -v: Activates verbose mode. Can also be written --verbose.
The script is available in the antidot-fluidtopics-reply package.