Whenever the application synchronizes content for offline reading, Fluid Topics briefly displays a notification message. However, the user might not see this message if it appears while they are viewing another page, for example.
The Offline syncs drawer lets users track synchronization jobs in detail at any time as follows:
Selecting the Sync button for a collection displays the Offline syncs drawer with options to manage synchronization jobs.
It is also possible to access the Offline syncs drawer by opening the My Library menu and selecting the Offline syncs option as follows:
In the Offline syncs drawer, it is possible to perform the following actions:
- View synchronization jobs that are in progress.
- Track how many tasks are complete and pending for each ongoing job.
- See how many documents are being synchronized.
- Pause or resume an ongoing synchronization job (useful when there is a risk of losing a network connection during a long synchronization job).
- Cancel an ongoing synchronization job.
- Restart a canceled or failed synchronization job from the beginning.
- Remove the message from the Offline syncs drawer for a sync once it completes.
Fluid Topics keeps successfully synchronized content even if an error occurs partway into the synchronization process and allows users to resume the synchronization job where it failed.
Whenever the page refreshes, Fluid Topics clears successful synchronization jobs from the Offline syncs drawer.