Switch between online and offline - Fluid Topics - Latest

Offline Mode

Technical Notes

Whenever a network connection is lost or unavailable, Fluid Topics automatically displays a notification at the bottom of the user's screen. A link in the notification allows the user to continue reading all documents which have previously been made available offline:

A notification bar indicating "Internet connection lost: waiting for network..." with an option to "Browse offline documents" highlighted. The background is grey with white text and a spinning icon next to the message.

  • When offline in one browser tab, the user is offline when opening additional tabs.
  • Fluid Topics keeps the same interface language when a user switches offline, and it is not possible to change it while offline. To change the interface language, it is necessary to switch back online.

If an administrator has configured a custom external font in the Theme administration interface, some browsers may not be able to display the font when a user switches offline. As a result, the font is different in Offline mode.