Attach a URL to an ftmap - Fluid Topics - Latest

Map Attachments

Technical Notes

To attach one or more URLs to an Ftmap, prepare a ZIP archive with following elements:

  • The HTML or Markdown topics referred to in the ftmap file.
  • All URLs to attach.
  • An ftmap file with each URL to be attached between ft:attachment tags as follows:
<ft:map xmlns:ft="" ft:lang="en-US" ft:originId="ftmap_id" ft:title="My Map Title"
        <ft:node ft:originId="first_topic" href="topics/topic_1.html" ft:title="My Topic 1" type="topic">
            <ft:node ft:originId="origin_id" href="topics/topic_2.html" ft:title="My Topic 2" type="topic">
            <ft:displayName>Linked image</ft:displayName>


  • ft:attachment expects all the information related to the attachment as follows:
Tag Description Mandatory? Default value
ft:originId The identifier of the attachment. Should be unique among all content uploaded through the FTML source. No ft:url
ft:url The URL to attach to the ftmap. Yes
ft:displayName The name displayed in the Reader page. No Extracted from ft:url
ft:mimeType The MIME type indicating the nature and format of the content. No Extracted from ft:url

Be careful not to confuse the ft:originId metadata associated with a map attachment and the ft:originId metadata associated with a topic or map. The first is defined at the attachment level within the ft:attachment node of an ftmap file, whereas the second two can be retrieved in the Metadata journal.