Topic output - Fluid Topics - Latest

Fluid Topics API Reference Guide

Reference Guides

The following lines show a response body for a query with the misspelled keyword "alrts".

  "spellcheck":  {
    "suggestedQuery": "alerts",
    "htmlSuggestedQuery": "<span class=\"kwicmatch\">alerts</span>"
  "facets":  [
      "key": "Category",
      "label": "Category",
      "hierarchical": false,
      "multiSelectionable": true,
      "rootNodes": [
          "value": "Reference Guide",
          "label": "Reference Guide",
          "selected": true,
          "totalResultsCount": 22,
          "childNodes": [],
          "descendantSelected": false
  "results": [
      "metadataVariableAxis": "FT_Version",
      "entries": [
          "type": "TOPIC",
          "topic":  {
            "mapId": "XWbIqrWrD0NgXkrjIGH1ew",
            "contentId": "1A9sVxr_XiI5aiqCibPrBg",
            "tocId": "_LD5fRIOEGkgDIVBiog5CQ",
            "title": "My Library",
            "htmlTitle": "<span class=\"kwicstring\">My Library</span>",
            "mapTitle": "User Guide",
            "breadcrumb": [
              "Fluid Topics Interfaces",
              "My Library"
            "htmlExcerpt": "<span class=\"kwicstring\">My Library is a dedicated space where to store all your resources: Bookmarks Personal Books </span><span class=\"kwicmatch\">Alerts</span><span class=\"kwicstring\"> You can access My Library from My Account menu in your portal's header, by directly selecting a type of resource. When in My Library , a menu on the left enables you to switch between the three types</span><span class=\"kwictruncate\">...</span>",
            "metadata": [
                "key": "FT_Version",
                "label": "Fluid Topics Version",
                "values": [
            "resources": [
                "id": "CsOU3cAseFbwcUmNOsf_Kw",
                "filename": "FT-bookmarks-interface.png",
                "mimeType": "image/png",
                "viewerUrl": "",
                "resourceUrl": "",
                "resourceContentUrl": ""
            "source": {
              "id": "ait",
              "name": "Default Author-it",
              "type": "Authorit",
              "description": "Default Author-it source"
            "lastEditionDate": "2020-02-02",
            "openMode": "FLUIDTOPICS",
            "topicUrl": "",
            "contentUrl": "",
            "readerUrl": ""
  "paging": {
    "currentPage": 1,
    "totalResultsCount": 30,
    "totalClustersCount": 19,
    "isLastPage": true


  • kwicstring is the part of the original query which was correctly spelled.
  • kwicmatch is the part of the query corrected by the spellchecker.

The response body provides the following fields:

Field Type Description
topic Object Contains all information relative to the topic.
    mapId String The ID parameter of the map containing the topic.
    contentId String The identifier of a topic in a book. This topic can be reused multiple times inside the book.
    tocId String The identifier of a ToC entry. This is a given topic, in a given book, at a given place in this book. It is also called the Table of Contents ID.
    title String The topic title.
    htmlTitle String The topic title written in HTML with kwicstring and kwicmatch CSS classes.
    mapTitle String The map title.
    breadcrumb Array The list of all parent topic titles (this describes the location of a topic in the table of contents).
In the Fluid Topics portal, the breadcrumb's first node corresponds to the mapTitle value.
    htmlExcerpt String The topic excerpt as displayed in the Search Results page, written in HTML with kwicstring and kwicmatch CSS classes.
    metadata Array Contains all information in relation with the topic metadata.
        key String The metadata facet's ID.
        label String The name of the metadata as displayed in Fluid Topics.
        values Array The topic metadata values for a given metadata element.
    resources Array Contains all information in relation with the resources (images, videos, and so on) embedded in the topic.
        id String The ID of the resource.
        filename String The filename of the resource.
        mimeType String The type/format of the resource.
        viewerUrl String The URL fragment to use to open the document in a Fluid Topics interface.
        resourceUrl String The URL fragment to use to get the resource metadata in the given map context.
        resourceContentUrl String The URL fragment to use to get the resource content in the given map context.
    source Object Contains all information in relation with the processing pipeline used to publish the topic in Fluid Topics.
        id String The ID of the processing pipeline.
        name String The name of the processing pipeline.
        type String The type of the processing pipeline.
        description String The description of the processing pipeline.
    lastEditionDate String The date (YYYY-MM-DD) on which the topic was last modified.
    openMode String Defines where the publication opens. It has two possible values:
  • fluidtopics if the publication opens in Fluid Topics.
  • external if the publication opens externally.
    originUrl String The origin URL of the publication.

The originUrl element is present only when the openMode object has the value external.
    topicUrl String The URL fragment to use to get the topic metadata in the given map context.
    contentUrl String The URL fragment to use to get the topic content in the given map context.
    readerUrl String The URL fragment describing a Fluid Topics reader entry point to the corresponding topic. The pretty URL is used when available.