Example using the topics value - Fluid Topics - Latest

FTML Connector Reference Guide

Reference Guides
  1. Create the following HTML file, and name it mytopic.html.

    It contains multiple sections separated by headings (<h1> and <h2>).

        <h1>First topic</h1>  
        <p>This is an example sentence.<p>  
        <h2>Second topic</h2>  
        <p>This is an example sentence.<p>  
        <h1>Third topic</h1>  
        <p>This is an example sentence.<p>
  2. Create the following .ftmap file, and name it doc_example.ftml.

    It references mytopic.html, with a type attribute with a value of topics.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
    <ft:map ft:title="The title of the document" ft:lang="en-US" xmlns:ft="http://ref.fluidtopics.com/v3/ft#" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ftmap.xsd">  
        <ft:node ft:title="Example" href="mytopic.html" type="topics"/>  
  3. Compress the two files, and publish them.

With type="topics", the sections of mytopic.html are independent topics:

A documentation page. Its table of contents shows four topics, at different levels.

With type="topic", the sections of mytopic.html are not independent topics:

A documentation page. Its table of contents shows one topic, at different levels. The topic has four subheadings, which are not topics in themselves.