ft:node - Fluid Topics - Latest

FTML Connector Reference Guide

Reference Guides

The <ft:node> element is used within the <ft:toc> element to declare a node object (generally a topic) in the FTML map.

The <ft:node> element is mandatory within the <ft:toc> element.

The <ft:node> element can have the following attributes:

  • @href: the location of the node object.
  • @type: the type of the node object.
  • @ft:title: the title of the node in the table of contents.
  • @ft:originId: the unique identifier of the node object.
  • @ft:description: the description of the topic.

It is possible to apply metadata to specific topics by using the <ft:metas> element in the corresponding <ft:node> element.

The following lines show an example of the <ft:node> element:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>   
<ft:map ...>  
    <ft:node ft:originId="192fe" ft:title="Introduction" href="intro/introduction.html"  
        <ft:meta key="product">myProduct</ft:meta>   
        <ft:meta key="audience">beginner</ft:meta>  
      <ft:node href="front.html" ft:description="This topic explains how the front-end of the product works."/>  
    <ft:node ft:title="Copyrights" href="copyrights.html"/>  