Enrich metadata - Fluid Topics - Latest

Enrich and Clean Metadata

Technical Notes

ADMIN and KHUB_ADMIN users can apply a taxonomy in the Enrich and Clean interface in order to create a hierarchical facet, as described in the following example.


In a group of six DITA documents, all share the subclass metadata key, with values as follows:

Document Class subclass value
Fiat 500 Cars City cars
Jeep Cherokee Cars Crossover SUVs
Kayak Boats Unpowered boats
Dinghy Boats Sailboats
Hot-air balloon Aircraft Balloons
Boeing Aircraft Jet aircraft

If an administrator does not create a taxonomy, these values are displayed in Fluid Topics as follows:

Facets not organized nor categorized

By creating a taxonomy, it is possible to classify the values by means of transportation and display them as a hierarchical facet in Fluid Topics as follows:

Hierarchical facet expanded