Glossary handling - Fluid Topics - Latest

DITA Connector Reference Guide

Reference Guides

In DITA, the <glossentry> topic type allows users to define a term, its definition, and its acronyms.

In Fluid Topics, hovering a <term> element referencing a <glossentry> reveals a tooltip with the definition of the glossary entry.

Selecting the <term> element either:

The following table explains how Fluid Topics shows various glossary DITA elements:

DITA element DITA element in Fluid Topics
<glossterm> The content of <glossterm> appears as the title of the target topic.
<glossdef> The content of <glossdef> appears as the content of the target topic and of the tooltip.
<glossSurfaceForm> If used, the content of <glossSurfaceForm> appears as the text link in origin topics. If not used, the content of <glossterm> is the text link in origin topics.