DITAVAL references - Fluid Topics - Latest

DITA Connector Reference Guide

Reference Guides

Fluid Topics uses the metadata values defined in the .ditaval file to cluster content.

It is possible to generate a cluster including two versions of a document (novice and expert) as follows:

  1. Create two .ditaval files (one file per document version).
  2. Name the .ditaval files. Fluid Topics retrieves the filenames to generate the values of the cluster selector.

    For example:

    • novice.ditaval
    • expert.ditaval
  3. Add <ditavalref> elements in the DITA map referencing the DITAVAL files.

  4. Publish the document on Fluid Topics.
  5. Declare the dita:ditaval metadata key in the Results tab of the Search page administration interface.
  6. Declare the dita:ditaval metadata key under Document metadata in the Classic interface tab of the Reader page administration interface.
  7. Select the Tag and Relatives buttons next to the dita:ditaval metadata key.
  8. Select Save.

Fluid Topics creates a cluster selector, and displays it in the Search page. Users can open the menu to select the version best suited to their level of experience.

In documents with DITAVAL versions, users can switch from the novice version to the expert, using the Switch to relatives feature of the Title bar.

Do not filter content on a single DITA map by both including DITAVAL files in the archive, and using DITAVAL references.

DITAVAL files referenced in the map prevail over DITAVAL files included in an archive, but not referenced in the DITA map. As a result, only DITAVAL files referenced in the DITA map would be applied to it.