Contents of the DITA archive - Fluid Topics - Latest

DITA Connector Reference Guide

Reference Guides

To upload DITA content to Fluid Topics, it is necessary to compress all associated files into a .zip archive.

The .zip archive must include all of the following:

  1. DITA maps.

    It is necessary to include at least one DITA map in each archive.

  2. Topics.

    This includes all topics referenced in the DITA map, and all topics referenced by the href attribute.

  3. DITAVAL files.

    If users have created content variants in the DITA map, or in any file within the DITA map, they must include the corresponding .ditaval files in each archive.

  4. All the files and resources referenced in the .ditamap file.

    This includes:

    • Files present in the structure of the DITA map (direct relationship).
    • Files referenced by other files in the DITA map (indirect relationship).
    • All resources referenced by the href attribute, such as images, videos, and unstructured documents.

To clearly define which DITAVAL applies to which DITA map, users should create an archive that contains only one DITA map, and its corresponding DITAVAL.