Publish Author-it legacy content - Fluid Topics - Latest

Author-it Connector Reference Guide

Reference Guides

For legacy content, it is necessary to manually export content in Author-it and then upload it to Fluid Topics as follows:

  1. Right-click the content to publish.
  2. Select the Publish To option to display the list of available publishing formats.
  3. Select the XML publishing format.
  4. Wait for the conversion to complete.
  5. Download the .zip archive.
  6. Upload it to a Fluid Topics portal.

Exporting Author-it legacy content is not recommended as the basic XML export option is deprecated and no longer benefits from improvements or maintenance.

  • Users with the ADMIN, KHUB_ADMIN, or CONTENT_PUBLISHER role can publish Author-it content to Fluid Topics. CONTENT_PUBLISHER users must have permission to publish content through an Author-it source.
  • Fluid Topics requires an Author-it configuration file to publish Author-it legacy content.

It is also possible to use the Upload content web service.