Filter topic views - Fluid Topics - Latest

Analytics for Fluid Topics

Technical Notes

When accessing the Topic views page, a window opens by default with options to filter results by the following criteria:

  • Search by topic title
  • There is no spellcheck for this field. The keyword is compared to the titles of documents in the corpus.
  • Search by document title
  • There is no spellcheck for this field. The keyword is compared to the titles of documents in the corpus.
  • Metadata
  • Selecting a metadata value in the result tags adds a filter. Selecting "x" clears the filter. It is possible to add as many metadata filters as needed.

All metadata set to be displayed in the Reader page is available in the Topic views page. When updating the configuration of the Reader page to display new metadata, the Fluid Topics analytics engine retrieves the new metadata to calculate future document view metrics, but it does not update the metrics calculated prior to the addition of the new metadata.

Multiple metadata selection

When selecting multiple metadata values for the same metadata key, the documents matching at least one of the values are returned. For example, when Key1=Value1 OR Value2, the documents returned contain {Key1=Value1} or {Key1=Value2} or {Key1=Value1 AND 2}.

When selecting multiple metadata keys, the documents must match all the key filters to be returned. For example, when Key1=Value1 AND Key2=Value3, the documents returned contain {Key1=Value1} and {Key2=Value3}.

The two rules can be combined. For example, when Key1=Value1 OR Value2 AND Key2=Value3 OR Value4, the documents returned contain {Key1=Value1 OR 2} and {Key2=Value3 OR 4}.

Modify date range

By default, information is displayed for the past month. Selecting the Calendar icon opens a dedicated date picker with options to filter on the past week, the past 3 months, or a custom range. After defining a new date range, the content usage heatmap is updated accordingly.

When defining a custom date range, the start date must be within the past year and the end date must be later than the start date.