Configure "consume" tenants - Fluid Topics - 4.2

Fluid Topics Installation Guide

Operating system
Reference Guides

Once the conf.json is set for the "Manage" portal, it is necessary to configure the "Consume" portals by using the CONSUME mode.

Each "Consume" tenant must have a conf.json file.

In this conf.json file, the khub parameter is added to define that the portal consumes a KHUB managed by another portal.


In the case of OleanDor Time Machine development company, two "Consume" portals are set, one for each product documentation: OD1000 and OD2000.

The following lines show how the CONSUME mode is set in the conf.json configuration file of the OD1000 and OD2000 portals so that they share the same KHUB as the OleanDor "Manage" portal previously set. This way, content uploaded from the OleanDor portal is also available on the OD1000 and OD2000 portals:

  "ui": {
    "languages": ["en-US"],
    "supportMail": ""
  "khub": {
    "mode": "CONSUME",
    "target": {
      "id": 4,
      "status": "stable"


  • mode:

    • CONSUME is the value to consume a KHUB managed by another portal.
  • target is the service ID and status of the tenant of the KHUB to consume.