ft_source_upload - Fluid Topics - 4.2

Fluid Topics Installation Guide

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The ft_source_upload script is used to create a source on the specified Fluid Topics portal.

Command template:

ft_source_upload -s $SOURCE_ID --ft-login $FT_ADMIN_LOGIN --ft-password [$FT_ADMIN_PASSWORD] --ft-url $FT_PORTAL_URL [--ft-cert-file $CERTFILE_PATH] [--ft $FT_SAVED_TENANT][-v] [-h] FILES

Command example:

ft_source_upload -s AIT --ft-url myfluidtopics.net --ft-login admin@plop.net --ft-password

Command arguments:

  • -s: Expects the source identifier. Can also be written --source-id.
  • --ft-login: Expects the login of a user on the Fluid Topics portal with ADMIN role.
  • --ft-password: Expects the password of a user on the Fluid Topics portal with ADMIN role.
  • --ft-url: Expects the URL of the Fluid Topics portal.
  • --ft-cert-file: Expects the path of the security certfile.
  • --ft: Expects the saved tenant.
  • -v: Activates verbose mode. Can also be written --verbose.
  • -h: Displays the help and lists all available optional arguments for the command. Can also be written --help.

The script is available in the antidot-fluidtopics-reply package.