Feedback - Fluid Topics - 4.1

Fluid Topics Integration Guide

Operating system
Reference Guides

Technical documentation aims to empower users and paves the way toward a great product experience. Antidot is committed to supporting its user community by providing documentation that is accurate, up-to-date, and easy to understand.

The portal's Feedback feature allows users to share views about all aspects of the documentation. Users can send questions, corrections, suggestions, and even compliments.

The process to send feedback is as follows:

  1. Log in to Fluid Topics (OPTIONAL).
  2. Access a document and scroll to the topic concerned by the feedback.
  3. Select the Send feedback button. Depending on how an administrator has configured the portal, this button is available either as a Topic quick action button or as an entry in the Topic shortcut menu.
  4. For authenticated users, the Send feedback drawer opens with a text field and a Send button.

    For unauthenticated users, a new message window opens in their email client interface.

Whenever a user sends feedback, the Antidot documentation team receives a notification. As soon as the feedback is taken into account, the user receives an email from Antidot with a link to the updated documentation.