Search experience – Taruqa - Fluid Topics - 4.1

What's new in V4.1

Release Notes

Thanks to tests done conjointly with some customers, we refined the relevance tuning of Taruqa. We also introduced new search templates that enable to combine global ranking influencers for all users and personal influencers based on each user’s search preferences. Finding the balance between all these influencers has required a lot of testing but the overall relevance of Taruqa has improved and all Fluid Topics users can benefit from it. If you haven’t switched to Taruqa yet, now is a good time to activate it and offer personalized search to all your readers.

If you still wonder what Taruqa can mean for your portal, we published a blog article with detailed information about our search engine and its business applications for technical and product content. If you’d like to read it, head on over here.