Released on March 1st, 2023.
Changes the appearance of buttons in the Spacing, Border, and Background sections of the style manager of the Page Designer.
Changes the button that specifies whether values are linked or unlinked in the style manager of the Page Designer.
Bug Fixes
Component | Issue Number | Description |
Reader page & Viewer page | FT-9033 | Fixes an issue where the table of contents would sometimes not focus on the topic currently displayed in the Reader page. |
KHUB - Content ingestion | FT-9141 | Fixes an issue where the name of the DITA-OT uploader would be blank when using an API key to authenticate. |
KHUB - Content ingestion | FT-9142 | Fixes an issue where the Paligo connector would sometimes incorrectly apply metadata inheritance to certain topics. |
Portal Configuration | FT-9149 | Fixes an issue where creating a shared component in the Page designer would remove custom content. |
KHUB - Content ingestion | FT-9184 | Fixes an issue where the presence of invalid |
Portal Configuration | FT-9195 | Fixes an issue where dialog boxes would close unexpectedly when using one of the Fluid Topics design tools. |
Fluid Topics 4.1.14 has been validated with AFS v7.12.42.