FT v4.0.7 - Fluid Topics - 4.0

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on August 29th, 2022.


  1. Adds the condition that content publishers can only modify attachments for maps published through a source they have rights for.

  2. Adds the condition that content publishers can only access the Delete document option for maps published through a source they have rights for.

  3. Updates the source selector in the New upload window to only suggest sources the user has rights for and adds an error message when no source is available or the user does not have sufficient rights.

  4. Updates labels in the Manage sources administration interface.

  5. Accepts paging parameters in requests for all public Search web services.

    Documentation links: Paginate web services 

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
Portal Configuration FT-8243

Fixes an issue where the browser's Back button would not work as expected when using the Page designer.

Search & Results Page FT-8281

Fixes an issue where Fluid Topics would sometimes fail to send alerts for saved searches.

Search & Results Page FT-8282

Fixes an issue where some complex search queries would lead to an error.

Homepage FT-8284

Fixes an issue where a homepage created using the Page designer would not take up all the defined container space.